
Grocery Associate (Part Time)


Slovakia (Slovak Republic) · Slovakia (Slovak Republic)


About Wolt

At Wolt, we create technology that brings joy, simplicity and earnings to the neighborhoods of the world. In 2014 we started with delivery of restaurant food. Now we’re building the delivery of (almost) everything and you’ll find us in over 500 cities in 30 countries around the world. In 2022 we joined forces with DoorDash and together we keep on dreaming big and expanding across the globe.

Working at Wolt isn’t always easy, but it’s definitely exciting. Here you’ll learn more, build more, and ship more than in most other companies. You’ll be challenged a lot, but also have a lot of fun on the way. So, if you’re a self-starter with drive and entrepreneurial spirit, this could be the ride of your life.

Hľadáme parťákov a parťáčky do prevádzky Wolt Marketu na skrátený úväzok! 💪🏻

Wolt Market je členom Wolt platformy. Máme vlastné kamenné výdajne, ale zákazník sa k nám nedostane - nakúpi si online cez Wolt aplikáciu. My objednávku spracujeme a odovzdáme do rúk kuriéra, ktorý sa postará o jej rýchle doručenie.

Sme super kolektív, radi sa spolu smejeme, riešime čokoľvek, čo sa na mieste stane a práca nám nie je cudzia. 🩵

Ak preferujete samostatnú prácu bez komunikácie so zákazníkmi, táto pozícia je priamo pre Vás.

Čo budeš mať na starosti:

  • Spracovanie objednávok cez našu aplikáciu "Merchant"

  • Pripravovanie a balenie potravín

  • Odovzdávanie objednávok zákazníkom a kuriérom

  • Prijímanie a vykladanie tovaru

  • Denný kontakt s dodávateľmi a kuriérmi

  • Kontrola kvality potravín

  • Udržiavanie poriadku a čistoty v predajni

Naše skromné očakávania:

  • Rýchlo sa učíš a multitasking ti nie je cudzí 

  • Máš proaktívny, prozákaznícky, jednoducho „can-do“ prístup

  • Poradíš si s technikou (vieš používať smartphone a notebook) 

  • Si motivovaný a flexibilný človek - práca v rýchlo sa meniacom prostredí

  • Máš ambíciu rásť a rozvíjať sa

  • Vieš plynule slovensky slovom aj písmom (B2/C1)

  • Máš základy angličtiny (pre navigáciu v našich systémoch)

Na čo sa môžeš tešiť:

  • Plat 5.40 EUR/hod

  • Možnosť kariérneho rastu v medzinárodnej spoločnosti

  • Občerstvenie na pracovisku 

  • Priateľské pracovné prostredie 

  • Flexibilné pracovné smeny

Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

We’re committed to growing and empowering a more inclusive community within our company, industry, and cities. That’s why we hire and cultivate diverse teams of people from all backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. We believe that true innovation happens when everyone has room at the table and the tools, resources, and opportunity to excel.



Applicant Privacy Acknowledgement *

We would like to provide you with an overview of how we process your personal information. Please take the time to read the Applicant Privacy Notice and confirm that you have read and understand the content by selecting "Yes" in the options below. 


Wolt - Self-Identification Survey

To ensure that our hiring practices are fair and inclusive, we’re asking the following voluntary questions of the people who apply to work at Wolt. If you don't feel comfortable answering any question, you can select “I don't want to answer.”

Your responses to these demographic questions are secure and optional. Any voluntary data you provide will not be shared with anyone connected to your recruitment or hiring process. There will be no negative consequences if you don’t want to participate, if you only answer some questions, or if you select “I don’t want to answer” for any question. Any option you choose will in no way affect your opportunity to work at Wolt.

By answering questions below, you give us your consent to process and handle your answers anonymously, and help Wolt understand the diversity of the people it attracts to apply. For additional clarity, our privacy policy below explains how we collect and process your data in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

